Founding Visionary Pastor Roney Smith and 
Anointed Believers Baptist Church Clears The Air!

As founding pastor of Anointed Believers Baptist Church, it is necessary that I, Roney Smith, unequivocally state the beliefs that God has laid upon my heart in being a vessel to plant and nurture Anointed Believers Baptist Church to expand the kingdom of God.  These beliefs were expanded by the Holy Spirit from what I understood as my commissioning by God to become a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

There are many issues that unnecessarily have divided many congregations, denominations, fellowships, and organizations that many Christian believers have found themselves participating within.

Therefore, we are clearing the air for any past, present, and future believers that become a part of the immediate and extended family of Anointed Believers Baptist Church.

We will add any new issue that needs to be addressed within a Christian setting.  Some issues are considered "no brainers" and need no discussion while being followers of Christ Jesus.

Feel free to send your thoughts, comments, and feedback on our feedback page.

We love you with all that we have and all that we hope to become.

Yours in Christ,

Roney Smith

Founder and Senior Pastor, Anointed Believers Baptist Church

Issues Resolved

Women Leaders within the Church

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